News - Recently updated info
  • Book of Abstracts (6.Dec.2021)
  • Access the in-person and hybrid part (29.Nov.2022)
  • Social events (29.Nov.2022)
  • Tutorials (29.Nov.2022)
  • Programme (30.Oct.2022)
  • List of Participants (30.Oct.2022)

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    Lecture and quiet rooms

    There are three kinds of rooms: virtual, hybrid, and quiet rooms.

    • The virtual rooms run exclusively on Zoom (see the virtual area). All the sessions in virtual rooms are fully online, that is, all the participants (speakers, chairs and attendees) are online.
    • The hybrid rooms are associated with both physical and virtual rooms. They generally accommodate hybrid sessions where some participants are in-person, and some are online. Exceptionally, hybrid rooms can be used for fully virtual sessions. This is indicated in the programme by adding "(virtual)" after the session's title.
    • The quiet rooms BH (S) 2.01, BH (SE) 2.01, S-2.08 and S-1.08 (see the location below) can be used by the in-person participants to participate in virtual sessions with their laptops and headphones.

    Location of the physical rooms

    The in-person paper presentations will take place at the Bush House, Strand building and King's building of the King's College London.

    Due to health and safety regulations, social distance is recommended. Please check the capacities on the interactive programme. There will be no signs indicating the location of the lecture rooms. Therefore we advise that you visit the venue in advance and check the location information on the Book of Abstracts, the interactive programme or in the table below.

    To see the location of the rooms, please log in the registration tool, keep your session open and click on the room name below.

    Great Hall, Safra Lecture Theatre, K0.19, K0.20, K0.16, K0.18, K0.50, K0.31 Small Committee RoomKings's Building - Level 0
    K2.31 (Nash Lecture Theatre), K2.29 (Council Room)+Annex, K2.40, K2.41Kings's Building - Level 2
    S-1.11 (PAWS), S-1.01, S-1.04, S-1.06, S-1.08, S-1.27, S-1.22Strand Building - Level -1
    S-2.08, S-2.23, S-2.25Strand Building - Level -2
    S-0.03, S-0.11, S-0.12, S-0.13Strand Building - Level 0
    S2.29 (Hybrid 12), S2.30 (Hybrid 13), S2.28 (Multi-use 19)Strand Building - Level 2
    BH (N) -1.01, The ArcadeBush House (Central) - Level 0
    BH (S) 1.01 Lecture Theatre 1Bush House (Central) - Level 1
    BH (S) 2.01, BH (S) 2.02, BH (S) 2.03, BH (S) 2.05Bush House (Central) - Level 2
    BH (SE) 1.01, BH (SE) 1.02, BH (SE) 1.05, BH (SE) 1.06Bush House (South East) - Level 1
    BH (SE) 2.01, BH (SE) 2.05, BH (SE) 2.09, BH (SE) 2.10, BH (SE) 2.12Bush House (South East) - Level 2