Title: Collaborative research among different research fields to induce innovation
Authors: Yuji Mizukami - Nihon University (Japan) [presenting]
Keisuke Honda - The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Japan)
Frederick Kin Hing Phoa - Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
Junji Nakano - Chuo University (Japan)
Abstract: Innovation is the act of creating new value by using ``new connections'', ``new point of views'', ``new ways of thinking'', ``new usage methods'' in the field of business administration. In recent years, the promotion of the Innovation has been strongly encouraged in the academic field in Japan, and attempts are also being made to create new value through the connection between fields of research. Moreover, along with the move to promote collaborative research among these research fields, research is being conducted to grasp and promote the degree of them. The purpose of providing indices for measuring the degree of them, we show indices quantitatively indicating the degree of fusion in different fields and the distance between the fields. In the analytical case, we will explore the characteristics of the PM 2.5 research in China and Japan by network analysis and consider the field of environmental research. Since the 1990s, the Chinese economy has been remarkably growing. On the other hand, environmental problems are getting worse, especially the damage of PM 2.5 is serious and an early solution is required. Research on PM 2.5 is remarkably active in China and many papers have been produced. In Japan, research on PM 2.5 which flying from China is advancing. We examine differences in cooperative research between the fields of China and Japan in PM 2.5 research.