EcoSta 2022: Start Registration
View Submission - EcoSta2022
Title: Generative multiple-purpose sampler for weighted M-estimation Authors:  Minsuk Shin - University of South Carolina (United States) [presenting]
Shijie Wang - University of South Carolina (United States)
Jun Liu - Havard Univeristy (United States)
Abstract: To overcome the computational bottleneck of various data perturbation procedures such as the bootstrap and cross-validations, we propose the Generative Multiple-purpose Sampler (GMS), which constructs a generator function to produce solutions of weighted M-estimators from a set of given weights and tuning parameters. The GMS is implemented by a single optimization without having to repeatedly evaluate the minimizers of weighted losses and is thus capable of significantly reducing the computational time. We demonstrate that the GMS framework enables the implementation of various statistical procedures that would be unfeasible in a conventional framework, such as the iterated bootstrap, bootstrapped cross-validation for penalized likelihood, and bootstrapped empirical Bayes with nonparametric maximum likelihood, etc. To construct a computationally efficient generator function, we also propose a novel form of neural network called the \emph{weight multiplicative multilayer perceptron} to achieve fast convergence. The numerical results demonstrate that the new neural network structure enjoys a few orders of magnitude speed advantage in comparison to the conventional one. An R package called GMS is provided, which runs under Pytorch to implement the proposed methods and allows the user to provide a customized loss function to tailor to their own models of interest.