Title: Adaptive functional principal component analysis
Authors: Angel Garcia de la Garza - Columbia University (United States)
Britton Sauerbrei - Case Western Reserve University (United States)
Adam Hantman - University of North Carolina (United States)
Jeff Goldsmith - Columbia University (United States) [presenting]
Abstract: Recent advances have allowed high-resolution observations of firing rates for a collection of individual neurons; these observations can provide insights into patterns of brain activation during the execution of tasks. Our data come from an experiment in which mice performed a reaching motion following an auditory cue, and contain measurements of firing rates from neuron activation in the motor cortex before and after the cue. In this setting, steep increases in firing rates after the cue are expected. Our dimension reduction technique adequately models these sharp changes over time and correctly captures these activation patterns. Initial results suggest different patterns of activation, representing the involvement of different motor cortex functions at different times in the reaching motion.