Title: Generating optimal order-of-addition designs with flexible run sizes
Authors: Shin-Fu Tsai - National Taiwan University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Abstract: In some industrial, chemical and pharmaceutical studies, physical and/or chemical properties of process outputs can be very different depending on the order in which materials are added. A series of trials conducted for exploring the impact of sequentially adding the materials in various orders is called an order-of-addition experiment. We will introduce a new method to construct optimal designs for these kinds of experiments. The main idea of the proposed method is to generate an order-of-addition design by juxtaposing several isotopic Latin squares. First, a computer-assisted search procedure will be introduced to generate optimal designs with small to moderate run sizes. On the basis of computer-generated designs, a recursive method will be applied to construct optimal designs with large run sizes. By combining these approaches, a series of new optimal designs can be generated for future work.