Title: Identifying geographical configurations of industries by regional concentration and spatial polarization
Authors: Diego Giuliani - University of Trento (Italy) [presenting]
Maria Michela Dickson - University of Trento (Italy)
Giuseppe Espa - University of Trento (Italy)
Flavio Santi - University of Verona (Italy)
Abstract: The most popular areal-based indices of geographical concentration of industries (such as Gini and Herfindahl/Hirschman indices) do not take into account the spatial positions of areas. As a consequence, they are insensitive to the spatial order of areas and do not control for neighboring effects. In order to deal with this issue, different indices that allow measuring the level of geographical concentration of industry while controlling for the spatial distance among areas have been recently developed. According to the principle that a single index is not able to depict an industry entirely with respect to both geographical concentration and spatial connections, an alternative approach is proposed to measure both aspects jointly and classify industries into relevant geographical configurations.