Title: The Economic valuation of the cultural services delivered by Belsay Hall: a choice modelling study
Authors: Brenda Dorpalen - Environment Agency (United Kingdom) [presenting]
Thomas Colwill - Historic England (United Kingdom)
Abstract: The approach to conservation practices of cultural heritage is ever-changing. Academics and policymakers have shifted from viewing the intrinsic value of cultural heritage to considering its social and environmental spill-over effects and the contribution it makes to inclusive and sustainable development. However, to what extent do these professional discourses on the value of heritage reflect public preferences? We put forward a choice experiment using data collected at Belsay Hall, a heritage site in North East England. We contribute to the knowledge of the economic valuation of cultural services by evaluating the performance of conservation, educational and networking services, and facilities, including those targeted towards adults and children. Several econometric specifications are tested. We find a strong public preference for conservation and the intrinsic value of heritage.