Title: SEASCAPE.PAS: A program for seasonal adjustment
Authors: Stephen Pollock - University of Leicester (United Kingdom) [presenting]
Abstract: The SEASACAPE program provides two alternative sets of procedures for effecting the seasonal adjustment of economic data. In the first set of procedures, which operate in the time domain, the seasonal adjustment filter is augmented by additional filters that are targeted at the adjacent frequencies. In the second set of procedures, a Fourier transform is deployed to reveal the elements of the data at all the frequencies. This allows the elements that are in the vicinities of the seasonal frequencies to be attenuated or eliminated at will. The SEASCAPE program has been coded in an object-orientated version of Pascal associated with the Delphi compiler. The program has been compiled by the Lazarus compiler, which is a freely available clone of Delphi. The program and its code are available online.