CMStatistics 2022: Start Registration
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Title: What can we learn from the skewed log-logistic model of the epidemic curve? Authors:  Anna Panorska - University of Nevada (United States) [presenting]
Tomasz Kozubowski - University of Nevada Reno (United States)
Fares Qeadan - Loyola University Chicago (United States)
Alina Giri - Luisville University (United States)
Abstract: A skewed log-logistic model is introduced for the epidemic curve and its connection with the corresponding differential equation. The model allows some comparisons between the behavior of an epidemic in different countries or regions. The skewness parameter, which controls the speed of growth and later leveling of the epidemic curve, is shown to correlate closely with the socioeconomic measures for different countries. In addition, we show the possibility of using the skewed model for some comparisons of the effectiveness of the nonpharmaceutical interventions. We present data analyses from several countries around the world.