CMStatistics 2022: Start Registration
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Title: RandomVariables.jl: A Julia package for random variables, transformations and probabilities Authors:  Manuel Stapper - WWU Muenster (Germany) [presenting]
Abstract: When computing probabilities that involve random variables in the Julia language, the Distributions.jl package provides methods for more than 50 univariate distributions. The new package RandomVariables.jl is based on the Distributions.jl package and offers to calculate probabilities of events in such a way that code notation matches formula notation. Single events can be combined by logical connectives, such as conjunction and disjunction as well as by defining conditional events. Random variables can furthermore be transformed, so that the user can simply run $P(exp(X) > 3)$, for instance. Implemented transformations include shifting and scaling, inversion, logarithmic and exponential transformations, absolute values, and powers of random variables.