Title: Bayesian order selection in heterogeneous hidden Markov models
Authors: Yudan Zou - The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) [presenting]
Xinyuan Song - Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Yiqi Lin - The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Abstract: Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are valuable tools for analyzing longitudinal data due to their capability to describe dynamic heterogeneity. Conventional HMMs typically assume that the number of hidden states (i.e., the order of HMMs) is known or predetermined through criterion-based methods. However, prior knowledge about the order is often unavailable, and a pairwise comparison using criterion-based methods becomes increasingly tedious and computationally demanding when the model space enlarges. A few studies have considered simultaneously performing order selection and parameter estimation under the frequentist framework. Still, they focused only on homogeneous HMMs and thus cannot accommodate situations where potential covariates affect the between-state transition. A Bayesian double-penalized (BDP) procedure is proposed to conduct a simultaneous order selection and parameter estimation for heterogeneous HMMs. We develop a novel Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm coupled with an efficient adjust-bound reversible jump scheme to address the challenges in updating the order. Simulation studies show that the proposed BDP procedure considerably outperforms the commonly used criterion-based methods. An application to the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study further confirms the utility of the proposed method.