Title: Two-stage adaptive designs of single arm clinical trials based on median event time test
Authors: Yeonhee Park - University of Wisconsin (United States) [presenting]
Abstract: The Phase II clinical trials aim to assess the therapeutic efficacy of a new drug. The therapeutic efficacy has been often quantified by response rate such as overall response rate or survival probability in the Phase II setting. However, there is a strong desire to use survival time, which is the gold standard endpoint for the confirmatory Phase III study, when investigators set the primary objective of the Phase II study and test hypotheses based on the median survivals. We propose a method for median event time test (METT) to provide the sample size calculation and decision rule of testing. The decision rule is simple and straightforward in that it compares the observed median event time to the identified threshold. Moreover, it is extended to optimal two-stage design for practice, which extends the idea of Simons optimal two-stage design for survival endpoint. We investigate the performance of the proposed methods through simulation studies. The proposed methods are applied to redesign a trial based on median event time for trial illustration, and practical strategies are given for application of proposed methods.