Title: Modelling the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health insurance-related claims
Authors: Amanda Fernandez-Fontelo - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) [presenting]
Pedro Puig - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Montserrat Guillen - University of Barcelona (Spain)
David Morina - Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Abstract: In many developed countries -including Spain- health insurance is one of the insurance categories with the greatest penetration in the market. In 2020 and 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the claim rate in health insurance, particularly for consultations and medical events that could be postponed. Mobility issues resulted in insurance usage by policyholders declining, and patient-health professional interactions dramatically changed due to a rise in telephone consultations. In the current work, we specifically investigate whether the number of claims made by policyholders during the Covid-19 pandemic was under-reported but over-represented after such a pandemic. For this purpose, we present a new model of integer-valued time series for either under-reporting or over-reporting identification and estimation. We apply our model to different time series of the number of claims made by policyholders for several pathologies.