Title: Bayesian joint inference for multiple directed acyclic graphs
Authors: Kyoungjae Lee - Sungkyunkwan University (Korea, South)
Xuan Cao - University of Cincinnati (United States) [presenting]
Abstract: In many applications, data often arise from multiple groups that may share similar characteristics. A joint estimation method that models several groups simultaneously can be more efficient than estimating parameters in each group separately. We focus on unraveling the dependence structures of data based on directed acyclic graphs with a known parent ordering and propose a Bayesian joint inference method for multiple graphs. To encourage similar dependence structures across all groups, a Markov random field prior is adopted. This is the first theoretically supported Bayesian method for joint estimation of multiple directed acyclic graphs. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated using simulation studies, and it is shown that our joint inference outperforms other competitors. We apply our method to fMRI data for simultaneously inferring multiple brain functional networks.