Title: SPREE estimation of the number of disabled people in terms of economic activity
Authors: Marcin Szymkowiak - Poznan University of Economics and Business and Statistical Office in Poznan (Poland) [presenting]
Abstract: The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is the basic source of information published by Statistics Poland about the situation regarding the economic activity of the population, i.e. the fact of being employed, unemployed, or economically inactive, both for the country as a whole and at the regional level (NUTS 2 - province). It causes that estimates for lower levels of the territorial division or more detailed domains to have not been published so far. This also applies to a very important phenomenon of disability, especially in terms of the economic activity of disabled people in the labour market. So far, only basic characteristics on the population of employed, unemployed and economically inactive disabled persons based on the legal criterion from the LFS have been published. The main aim is to show chosen results of estimation of disability in Poland at a lower level of aggregation than the one used so far, that is at the level of a province with additional cross-classification including place of living using chosen small area estimation methods, i.e. the Structure Preserving Estimation (SPREE) and its generalization based on GLSM and GLSMM estimators. By choosing and combining data from LFS 2011-2020 and Census in Poland we can obtain results with adequate precision. Territorial analysis of the scope of disability in Poland at NUTS 2 level with additional breakages will be also presented in detail.