Title: Prehospital resource optimization
Authors: Patrik Ryden - Umeå University (Sweden) [presenting]
Abstract: Prehospital care in Sweden has about 660 ambulances, respond to about 1.2 million emergency calls per year, and costs more than 0.5 billion euro per year. An aging population, urbanization and medical progress demand flexible prehospital care. The goal is to develop processes and tools that make it possible to organize ambulance units and operations in an optimal way. Based on big and complex alarm-data (we have detailed data on all alarms during the last 5 years), advanced statistical modelling and large-scale data-driven simulations we have developed tools to compare allocations (how the ambulances are placed and scheduled) under user-defined future scenarios. The solution makes it easy to highlight the implications for specific regions and patient groups. An important and challenging part of this modelling is the spatio-temporal modelling of the alarms. The alarm intensity varies over the day, between weekdays and there is also a clear seasonal trend. In addition, the spatial distribution of the alarms is highly concentrated on the road network. We will present the problem, the data and some early solutions. Furthermore, evaluation of spatio-temporal models will be discussed.