COMPSTAT 2018: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2018
Title: Credit risk analysis using machine and deep learning models Authors:  Dominique Guegan - Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon-Sorbonne (France) [presenting]
Abstract: Due to the advanced technology associated with Big Data, data availability and computing power, most banks or lending institutions are renewing their business models. Credit risk predictions, monitoring, model reliability and effective loan processing are key to decision-making and transparency. We build binary classifiers based on machine and deep learning models on real data in predicting loan default probability. The top 10 important features from these models are selected and then used in the modelling process to test the stability of binary classifiers by comparing their performance on separate data. We observe that the tree-based models are more stable than the models based on multilayer artificial neural networks. This opens several questions relative to the intensive use of deep learning systems in the enterprises.