COMPSTAT 2018: Start Registration
View Submission - COMPSTAT2018
Title: Sensitivity analysis and visualization for functional data Authors:  Yufen Huang - National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan) [presenting]
Abstract: The presence of outliers in functional data analysis can greatly influence the results on modeling and forecasting and may lead to the inaccurate conclusion. Hence, detection of such outliers becomes an essential task. Visualization of data not only plays a vital role in discovering the features of data before applying statistical models and summary statistics but also is an auxiliary tool in identifying outliers. The research involved visualization and sensitivity analysis for functional data has not yet received much attention in the literature to date. We propose a method which combines the influence function with the iteration scheme for identifying outliers in functional data, and we develop new visualization tools for displaying features and grasping the outliers in functional data. Comparisons between our proposed methods with the existing methods are also investigated. Finally, we illustrate these proposed methods with simulation studies and real data examples.